Sen. Ted Cruz asks CNN to 'stop rooting' for President Trump to die from coronavirus

  • by:
  • Source: Fox News
  • 10/06/2020


Sen. Ted Cruz asks CNN to 'stop rooting' for President Trump to die from coronavirus

  • by:
  • Source: Fox News
  • 10/06/2020


Finally “Cardinal” Comey meets his match. Senator Josh Hawley from Missouri destroys Comey in yesterday’s hearing before the US Senate.

  • by:
  • Source: Red State
  • 10/05/2020

All the reports have been accurate, sadly: it was a s#*!show.


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  • by:
  • Source: Townhall
  • 10/05/2020

There is a massive story about President Trump’s tax returns. It’s that someone committed a federal crime — or at the very least violated one of the basic principles of federal tax law and betrayed their professional duty — by providing an American citizen’s tax returns to journalists.

News of First Lady Melania and President Trump’s COVID infection sparked various reactions around the world, leading many people to reveal their true colors.

  • by:
  • Source: The Blaze
  • 10/02/2020

Facebook announced strict new guidelines Wednesday prohibiting advertisements on the platform that in any way seek to "delegitimize" an election by stoking distrust in various voting methods, including mail-in voting.

  • by:
  • Source: Fox News
  • 10/02/2020

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., slammed President Trump on Friday after news that he and first lady Melania Trump had both tested positive for coronavirus.

  • by:
  • Source: Newsmax
  • 09/30/2020

The White House will deploy "knife fighters" to help defend Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett from Democrats, according to a new report.

  • by:
  • Source: The Blaze
  • 09/30/2020

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden didn't exactly treat President Donald Trump in stately fashion early in their first debate Tuesday night.

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The New York Times published another hit piece on President Trump on Sunday afternoon at 4:10 PM on the billionaire president’s tax burden. The information for the piece was likely illegally leaked from the IRS to the Times.


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I am reminded of 2018, all of those centuries ago, when Michael Cohen, Trump’s lawyer and fixer — his Harvey Keitel from “Pulp Fiction,” as he was portrayed at the time — revealed that he had been secretly recording conversations with his former boss. What sort of deep, dark, dirty misdeeds might be contained in those tapes? Surely, if Trump is as corrupt as we are told then clandestinely recorded discussions with his crooked lawyer must contain a treasure trove of scandalous and probably indictable morsels.

The New York Times published another hit piece on President Trump on Sunday afternoon at 4:10 PM on the billionaire president’s tax burden. The information for the piece was likely illegally leaked from the IRS to the Times.

RUSH: I wish I could use that too. But I don’t dare. I don’t dare use either one of them. I just cracked a couple of jokes here to the staff, and their reaction is to shake their heads. They’re laughing uncontrollably and then shaking their heads at the same time and saying, “You better not. You can’t say that.” And, of course, they’re right.