AT&T Reveals Data Breach Affecting Nearly All Customers


AT&T Reveals Data Breach Affecting Nearly All Customers


A new survey of 80,000 small businesses found that 48.6 percent believe they won’t survive America’s current economic conditions. Conducted by RedBalloon and Public Square, the survey also indicated that 22.4 percent of respondents said their business would “definitely not” survive continued inflation, while 26.2 percent indicated their business “probably” would not make it. The […]

  • by:
  • Source: Bongino
  • 07/12/2024

On Thursday, President Joe Biden participated in what the media has declared was the “most high-stakes news conference of his political career.


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“​​​​​​​Crooked Joe Biden didn’t save our Democracy, he brought our Democracy to its knees. Clooney should get out of politics and go back to television. Movies never really worked for him!!!”

China’s supplies have allowed Russia to ‘build the missiles, to build the bombs, to build the aircraft,’ said NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg.

The nation’s highest court left out details in recent rulings that lower courts will have to sort out, panelists said at a Heritage Foundation event.

  • by:
  • Source: Human Events
  • 07/10/2024

The pier built off the coast of Gaza by the US military under the direction of President Joe Biden to bring in humanitarian aid will be permanently dismantled.

‘We are dealing with an aggressive country,’ Latvian Defense Minister Andris Spruds said of Putin’s Russia.

“What are women in Gaza doing about sanitary hygiene? Do they have pads?”

The president expressed frustration with critics, asking them to challenge him at the August convention.


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  • by:
  • Source: Bongino
  • 07/08/2024

just the latest reminder of how rigged the system is, the Boeing corporation, recently plagued by a series of crashes and other dangerous malfunctions...

Hacking losses across the entire blockchain ecosystem jumped 50 percent from last year.

Biden’s staffers prepare documents that include photos of how the president walks to the podium for speaking events.