You’re Either with the Mob or You’re with the Police

You’re Either with the Mob or You’re with the Police

First responders, the police, sheriff deputies, were the heroes in this country. They were loved and adored and respected. Everybody was driving around this country, it seemed, with the American flag streaming outside car windows all over the place as a reaction to 9/11. And now look where we are: It’s a time to choose. You are either with the mob or you are with the police.

You are either with the mob outside a hospital in Lynwood, California, where two sheriff’s deputies are fighting for their lives. They are supposedly out of the woods after untold hours of surgery after being shot point-blank range in the face by a single perpetrator who was laughing and smiling all the while doing it.

The deputies were parked. They were rookies. They were in their patrol car. And they were just on lookout. I mean, they were not doing anything. They were stationary. And the perp walks up point-blank and fires at both of them. And standers-by started celebrating. Stand by in just a moment, we have audio of just such a person, a bystander celebrating the event.
Riot Police by "Riot police in wait mode" by trexcali is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 is licensed under Creative Commons Creative Commons