Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky told the left-wing publication “The Guardian” that a re-elected Donald Trump would risk becoming a “loser President” if he didn’t continue sending his country billions of dollars.
According to The Guardian:
Trump risks being a “loser president” if he wins November’s election and imposes a bad peace deal on Ukraine, Zelenskiy has said, saying it would mean the end of the U.S. as a global “player.”
Zelenskiy said he had “no strategy yet” for what to do if Trump returned to the White House, and that the former British prime minister Boris Johnson had approached him on his behalf.
If Trump beats Joe Biden, he is widely expected to cut off U.S. military support to Ukraine. Last year Trump boasted he could end the war in “24 hours.”
Trump’s aides have previously sketched out a possible plan that would involve giving Ukraine’s eastern regions to Russia, as well as Crimea. But Zelenskiy made clear that “Ukrainians would not put up with that”. Nor would they accept a Russian “ultimatum” that forced Ukraine to abandon integration with Europe and future membership of Nato, he said.
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