Wisconsin Supreme Court to Decide on Mobile Voting Sites’ Legality

Wisconsin Supreme Court to Decide on Mobile Voting Sites’ Legality

The Wisconsin Supreme Court said that it will decide on the legality of mobile voting sites after a circuit judge ruled in January that the city’s use of a mobile van for absentee voting violated state law.

This stems from a lawsuit filed by the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty, a nonprofit conservative law firm, on behalf of Racine County Republican Party chairman Ken Brown, following the 2022 primary.

The suit contends that using the “election van” as an alternate absentee ballot site violated state law. Furthermore, the locations visited by the van provided an advantage to citizens affiliated with the Democratic Party or those who have a history of voting for the party.

Racine City clerk Tara McMenamin and the Democratic National Committee—both named as defendants in the lawsuit—had requested the state Supreme Court to review the case directly, without allowing any lower appellate courts to rule on it first.

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