WILD: New Poll Shows Virtual Tie Between Parties As GOP Surges Among Hispanics

WILD: New Poll Shows Virtual Tie Between Parties As GOP Surges Among Hispanics

To the absolute despair of the Democratic Party, a new poll finds that the surge of support among Hispanics for the Republican Party has grown so strong that a virtual tie exists between support for the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.

Evidence has been building for the seismic shift among Hispanics for months. In May, a nationwide poll by Quinnipiac showed President Biden’s approval rating among Hispanics at 26% as opposed to the 2020 presidential election, when he secured two-thirds of the Hispanic vote.

“Biden is less popular among Hispanics than any other demographic, including age and gender,” Fox News noted of the poll’s results.

A paltry 27% of Hispanics approved of Biden’s economic policies, a percentage even lower than the 32% of Americans nationwide. Hispanics ranked inflation as the most pressing issue concerning them.

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