The Black Lives Matter Movement Needs to Die

The Black Lives Matter Movement Needs to Die

I can’t make that distinction anymore. BLM has lost that right with their latest behavior, if they already hadn’t long before.
edState covered some of their newest, most vile antics this morning, which occurred after two police officers were shot in cold blood in Los Angeles.
To say this is disgusting behavior doesn’t begin to describe it. Further, to try to ascribe this to only the worst parts of the BLM movement is also gaslighting at this point. That a movement would “only” have 7% of its protests turn violent is not something celebrate. It’s something to be astonished by. Past that, many BLM protests devolve into gross, disturbing rhetoric even when violence doesn’t start. When a BLM leader in D.C. started riffing on killing cops a few week ago, that may not have been violent, but it was equally wrong.