Russell Brand appeared Friday as a guest on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher alongside MSNBC analyst John Heilemann. In a clip that has gone viral, Brand and Heilemann engaged in an increasingly heated exchange in which Brand relentlessly castigated MSNBC while Heilemann grew increasingly defensive.
“It’s disingenuous to claim that the biases that are exhibited on Fox News are any different from the biases that are exhibited on MSNBC,” Brand said, later adding, “I’ve been on that MSNBC, mate, and it was propagandist nut-crackery.”
“To see it within the castle of MSNBC, throwing rocks at Fox News is ludicrous. Make MSNBC better. Make MSNBC great again,” he said.
Heilemann defended his employer by challenging Brand to give examples of MSNBC personalities spreading falsehoods. Brand gave several, including host Rachel Maddow telling viewers that vaccinated people can’t spread the coronavirus when in fact she didn’t know that to be true.