PORTLAND: Toddlers Carry Vulgar Anti-Cop, Anti-Trump BLM Signs…Approaches Person Videotaping Them, Shouts: “F— The Police!”

PORTLAND: Toddlers Carry Vulgar Anti-Cop, Anti-Trump BLM Signs…Approaches Person Videotaping Them, Shouts: “F— The Police!”

The signs that were being carried by little girls read: “F*ck the Police” and “EFF Trump’s Goons” and “F*ck the Feds and the Police.”

When the little girls were asked about the signs they were carrying, one of the little girls approached the person filming them and said, “Fuck the police!” directly into the camera. A male voice can be heard in the background encouraging them, as another young girl steps up with a mask over her face to say “Fuck the police!”
man with child at a protest by Photo by Life Matters from Pexels is licensed under Pexels Pexels