NYT’s Report on Trump’s Stolen Tax Returns Doesn’t Tell the Story Liberals Wanted It To

  • by:
  • Source: Townhall
  • 10/05/2020

NYT’s Report on Trump’s Stolen Tax Returns Doesn’t Tell the Story Liberals Wanted It To

  • by:
  • Source: Townhall
  • 10/05/2020

That’s not the story The New York Times wanted to tell — not least because they were passive participants in that crime or ethical breach.

The story the Times wanted to tell is the lie that the liberal media have been telling for four years now: massive, undisclosed ties to Russia, secret payoffs, and backroom deals. You can almost read the disappointment between the lines as The New York Times is forced to admit that it was all a heap of lies. Even with illicit access to confidential documents — we can’t honestly know what it is The New York Times has, let alone whether it’s accurate or authentic, because they aren’t allowing any independent review — the Times came up with yet another nothingburger.

The Times report debunks each of the conspiracy theories about Trump’s taxes, one after another. Shady Michael Cohen payoffs? Nope, “the materials obtained by The Times did not include any itemized payments to Mr. Cohen.” Russia? Nope, “nor do [President Trump’s confidential tax documents] reveal any previously unreported connections to Russia.” 
New York Times by Dom Dada is licensed under Creative Commons Creative Commons