With California facing a budget deficit of at least $45 billion, Gov. Gavin Newsom vetoed on June 14 a bill that would have provided rebates for consumers wh0 convert their traditional automobiles into zero emission vehicles.
“While I share the author’s desire to further accelerate the state’s transition to [zero emission vehicles,] this bill creates a new program at a time when the state faces a $44.9 billion shortfall for the 2024-25 fiscal year,” Mr. Newsom said in a veto letter sent to the Legislature. “Additionally, there is no funding currently identified or available in the state budget to support this new program.”
Senate Bill 301, authored by Sen. Anthony Portantino, sought to establish the “Zero-Emission Aftermarket Conversion Project” to offer rebates of up to $4,000 per vehicle for California residents who transformed their vehicles.
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