Whoopi Goldberg, a leftist co-host of ABC’s “The View,” argued on the show this week that God supports killing unborn babies via abortion.
Goldberg, who previously was suspended by the network for making an anti-Semitic remark about the Holocaust, argued Wednesday that abortion was okay because God gives people the “freedom of choice.”
“And as you know, God doesn’t make mistakes. God made us smart enough to know when it wasn’t going to work for us,” Goldberg said. “That’s the, that’s the beauty of giving us freedom of choice.”
Pro-life guest and former “The View” co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck pushed back on Goldberg’s remarks, repeatedly saying, “No.”
“Yes, because I know my relationship. You know, my relationship is always choppy. It’s always choppy with God, always, because I have a lot of questions,” Goldberg said. “But I also know that God made me smart enough to know that if there are alternatives out there that can work for me, I will investigate them. But I also know God said, ‘Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you, I will not make that decision for anybody.'”