Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was Right: Roe v. Wade was always destined for the Scrap Heap

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  • Source: Townhall
  • 05/09/2022

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was Right: Roe v. Wade was always destined for the Scrap Heap

  • by:
  • Source: Townhall
  • 05/09/2022

The only question for Roe v. Wade was when it would be overturned, not if.

Whatever your position on abortion is, Roe v. Wade is objectively bad law built upon fetid ground. With the shameful release of an early draft of an upcoming Supreme Court decision with Dobbs v. Jackson, we now know Roe will be overturned. Many on the left are freaking out over this decision, with much fearmongering coming from the media. However, the journalistic and political class is not telling people, as understood by liberal jurists like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, that Roe was always weak law destined for the scrap heap of history. 


Roe v. Wade is the 1973 Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal and available by demand in the United States. The case came about after Norma L. McCorvey – Jane Roe was her alias – sued the state of Texas for stopping her from aborting her third child. Under Texas law, abortions could only happen in cases of rape, incest, or the life of the mother. The case eventually ended up in front of the US Supreme Court, which ruled in a shocking 7-2 decision, the majority opinion written by Judge Harry A. Blackmun, that the regulations on abortion were unconstitutional and that Roe’s right to privacy had been violated. 
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