Speaker Nancy Pelosi went on Stephen Colbert’s "The Late Show" recently to claim Democrats will "hold the House by winning more seats."
Really? Since the creation of what political scientists call the "Second American Party System" between 1818 and 1824, there have been just two times that the party holding the White House gained House seats – 1934 and 2002. But while it can be done, today we don’t have President Franklin Delano Roosevelt bringing the nation back from the depths of the Great Depression or President George W. Bush leading the War Against Terror in the aftermath of 9/11.
Today, we’ve got President Joe Biden. He often seems lost and confused and is dragged down by a 43% approval rating with only 27% of Americans believing the country is going in the right direction, inflation at a 40-year high, 82% thinking the economy is "only fair" or "poor," a border crisis, and rising crime and lawlessness.
So what’s up with Nancy Pelosi? Is she delusional? Or was something else at play here?
Though at age 82 she’s lost a few steps, Pelosi, D-Calif., can’t be so out of it as to think that with only five seats between them and minority status, Democrats will actually hold the House in November.