Frack-Checking Joe Biden

Frack-Checking Joe Biden

Banning fossil fuels and killing the energy independence Trump achieved before the Wuhan virus pandemic would kill the American economy and future hopes for recovery.  It is said a little child shall lead us, and a little child named AOC wants to lead us and a President Biden over the economic cliff.  She, and Biden running mate Kamala Harris, may only succeed in pushing Biden over the political cliff as voters realize that solar panels and wind turbines are not all that good at creating jobs in the gray skies of winter.

Joe Biden's emergence from his basement bunker soon went off the rails when in Western Pennsylvania he claimed he never said he would ban fracking.  Where does he think his environmental czar, AOC, stands, and what does he think the policy compact he signed with socialist Bernie Sanders says?  What does he think the Green New Deal is all about?  And certainly Kamala Harris, whom Biden picked to be a heartbeat away from the presidency, is as anti-fracking as they come.

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