Exclusive: Kellyanne Conway Book Sales Drop 93% in Second Week as Trump Allegiance is Rejected

Exclusive: Kellyanne Conway Book Sales Drop 93% in Second Week as Trump Allegiance is Rejected

Sales of former Trump and White House spokesperon Kellyanne Conway’s book, “Here’s the Deal,” dropped 93% in the second week of availability.

Sales for week 2 were 9,200 copies compared to 25,000 for the first week.

The book has also dropped off Amazon.com’s top 200 list. It’s at number 241 down from 201 yesterday at this time.

Numbers are from NPD Book Scan.

The failure of the book to sell shows that people who can read reject Conway’s endorsement of Donald Trump and indeed her own failure to criticize Trump for anything. Setting aside Conway’s constant lying and fabrications, this may be a referendum on Trump as well.

It’s also unique timing. Last night the January 6th Committee presented on television a horrifying look at Trump’s violent efforts to overturn the US government after his election defeat in 2021. Even today he continues to defendthe horrors of what happened on that day on his social media platform. Conway stood fast by him even after she stepped down from her White House job. She deserves to have to return her advance to her publisher and pulp whatever books aren’t sold.
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