Cory Booker Mocked After Claiming More Americans Died from Gun Violence in 50 Years Than All Wars Combined

Cory Booker Mocked After Claiming More Americans Died from Gun Violence in 50 Years Than All Wars Combined

Senator Cory Booker was questioned by viewers after claiming to have witnessed more deaths from gun violence in his lifetime than “all of our wars combined.”

Booker made the specious claims during an appearance with “Morning Joe” on MSNBC.

“We have more people in America in my short lifetime that have died due to gun violence than in every single one of our wars — from the Civil War and the Revolutionary War to the wars in the Middle East combined,” the New Jersey senator asserted.

He posted a video clip of the comments and a caption that echoed those sentiments, seemingly proud of his statement.

“I’m 53 years old, and I’ve seen more Americans die from domestic gun violence than from all of our wars combined,” he wrote. “Let that sink in.”


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