The Roseville City School Board located in Central California recently adopted a policy that turns the district’s middle schools into “phone-free zones” next school year.
School board members voted unanimously May 9 to approve the policy—introduced by Trustee Jonathan Zachreson—which requires middle school students to turn off and put away their cell phones from the moment they arrive at school until the school day ends.
Exceptions would apply in the case of an emergency, for medical necessity determined by a doctor, or if required by a student’s individualized education program.
“It [became] clear cell phone use at school causes significant issues,” Mr. Zachreson said in a statement the following day.
He came to such a conclusion after talking with teachers, parents, and administrators.
“Not only will this policy reduce classroom distractions, but growing evidence shows limiting cell phone use at school leads to better student outcomes, improved mental health for students, and a reduction in behavior issues,” he said. “Limiting their use is a commonsense solution that will both support teachers and benefit students.”
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