President Joe Biden and the first lady were leaving their campaign headquarters on Sunday night when a silver copper sedan with Delaware plates, hit one of the vehicles in their parked motorcade, according to White House pool reports.
The president and first lady are safe. They were visiting the Biden campaign headquarters to have dinner with staff before the incident occurred.
Just after 8 p.m., the Bidens exited the Biden-Harris 2024 headquarters in downtown Wilmington.
Mrs. Biden, after wishing pool reporters Happy Holidays, was the first to board their vehicle in the motorcade. President Biden then exited the headquarters but his exit was interrupted when the sedan hit a motorcade SUV that was placed at the intersection across from the entrance of the campaign headquarters.
President Biden at the time was responding to a question from a pool reporter, who asked about why he was losing to former President Donald Trump in the polls. President Biden responded, "You're reading the wrong polls."
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