‘A Lot Cheaper To Get Rid Of Them’: Tucker Carlson Says Corporations Are Telling People They Can’t Have Children

‘A Lot Cheaper To Get Rid Of Them’: Tucker Carlson Says Corporations Are Telling People They Can’t Have Children

Fox News host and Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson said Tuesday that corporations are telling their employees that they can no longer have children.

The host said large corporations are paying for abortions because paying for maternity leave and other family oriented services are a financial burden to them. These companies and media networks want the American middle class to “reset” their “unrealistic expectations” of raising a family, Carlson said.

“Now they’re telling you that you cannot have the one thing that most people want more than anything else; the one thing that biological instinct drives all of us to want, and that’s children,” Carlson said. “The most reliable source of meaning and joy in human existence, a family, is now out of reach for the American middle class, and you should accept that is inevitable. In fact, you should embrace it.”

The host played a clip of MSNBC host Katy Tur suggesting that having a baby takes a toll on a woman’s “body” and “livelihood.” Carlson also showed NBC News Business and Tech correspondent Jo Ling Kent saying that abortion will be an economic burden for women with estimated costs being roughly $105 billion per year nationally.

Tucker Carlson by Gage Skidmore is licensed under flickr flickr